Monday 23 December 2013

Land Settlement

On the 20th December 2013 our land settlement took place and went through smoothly. So now we officially own our block of land!!

As you can see in the pictures below, our neighbours are all well on there way with their builds.

Friday 13 December 2013

Nov - Dec Update: Signed our lives away & Landscaping Plans

Final Metricon Contract was signed in the second week of November. Therefore we also received final loan approval from Westpac a couple of weeks from contract signing.

Mortgage documents were signed in the second week of December just in time in order to make the settlement date (20th Dec) which has also been booked in!!

We also have had to come up with a Landscaping plan to submit alongside with our Metricon building plans in order to receive developer approval to build in the Berwick Waters Estate. As part of the land estate guidelines the front landscaping is to be completed within 6 months of moving in our home.

See below for the landscaping plan I came up with:

Below is a picture that we are basing our front landscaping on. Something simple but effective: